Grafisch design stichting’s Logo

Are you interested to design a logo and develop the genuine identity for the Dutch Foundation Jewish-Christian Dialogue?

The foundation’s objective is to enhance the knowledge of Jewish religion and traditions in society, amongst Christians in particular, and stimulate the encounter between Jewish people and Christians.

In addition, the foundation’s focus is to diminish antisemitism in society, to provide a safer environment for Jewish people. Antisemitism is, in an analogous manner, a breeding ground for stigmatising or hatred against other groups in our society.

Your contribution will figure on the foundation’s website which is due to be released this autumn (and replace the site, which was released in 2014).


There will be a financial contribution for the chosen design.

Would you like to be part of this initiative for a better world? Send an email to Stichting Joods-Christelijke Dialoog <>

We appreciate your participation very much.

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